Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Trends We Love: White on White

Hey dolls,
So I know many people don't like taking the risk of wearing all white therefore I hope to change your mind.

White is a color that looks stunning with almost all skin tones, it is very elegant and just gives you another light. This is a trend I have been seeing a lot lately especially on red carpets ( did you see Lupita in that gorgeous white gown?!!... yes I died and came back to life!).

But girls its a risk worth taking, you will hear complements all day/night long.
Below are a few images:

Friday, March 21, 2014

Boyfriend Jeans

Hello dolls,
Today we're talking about boyfrienddd jeanss!!! Yes we love them. 

They can be dressed so many different ways depending on the shoe, the type of look your going for, and of course accessories.

You also want to make sure they fit just right, not tight but not super loose (trust me! You don't want it to look crazy as you walk or give no shape to your body).

These are amazing if you're on the go, school, or a day out on the town exploring!
Below are a few images so you can have an idea of what to do to accomplish this look.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Follow Our Instagram Account: @allthingskriola

Hey dolls,
We want to do our best to stay connected to you, therefore we have created an Instagram account to stay connected. Please show your support! We have a variety of new things coming that you will love. You will enjoy some fashion post and also other cultural things we are interested in that you have also seen.
Please show your love
Oi Gente,
Acabamos de criar uma pagina no Instagram. Por favor vai la e segue-nos para ver as novidades que vem ai. Queremos estar mais ligados a voces e saber as opinioes.
Por favor mostra um pouco de amor kkk
fiquem com deus!

Kataleya ft Anselmo Ralph- Atrevimento


Monday, March 10, 2014

Kataleya- Hoje e Hoje

Kataleya -Hoje e Hoje
Kataleya is a Brazilian Singer That  Is Making A Name For Herself  In The Afro-House & Kizomba, World. This Is One Song That Should For Sure Be a Hit For the Summer!
Hope You Guys Enjoy!


Need Help Contouring ?
I have found a couple of images that help guide you on your contouring journey.
The images above help aid you in indicating what type of face shape you have and also where to apply your products. I have also posted a video in case, just to give u some more insight!

Healthy Drinks!

Hair Growth By Juicing !

Floral Headbands !

Floral Headbands
Ugh, I absolutely love floral headbands, you can dress them up or down.
There fabulous for the spring/summer.
Its a Must Have! They Just Scream Buy Me! 
Forever 21 Definitely Has Some Cute Ones And There Not Expensive At All :)
 Beijo Gente

Oi Pessoal,Voces Estão se preparando para a primavera e o verão?
Nos Tambem, uma coisa que muitas mulhers estão usando agora, são fitas floral para torno de cabeca.
Sao lindissimas usado com o cabelo largado ou com o cabelo metado em cima e em baixo. 
adoro usar-lo com vestidos mas frouxos, um estilo mais vintage. mas voces podem usar qualquer coisa e tambem vai ficar lindo. Espero que voces gostem da idea.
Beijinhos no ombro :*


Darkness under the arm?
Well, there's a cure!

A youtuber by the name of "Andreaschoice" made an awesome DIY video explaining alittle but about what may cause the underarm to be a bit darker then you would probably like. Also she shows a couple of methods you can use to reduce the darkness. I havent tried it yet but im defintiely gunna see if it work. if it works for you let us know! Heres the Link Below

Presságio - Fernando Pessoa

O amor, quando se revela,
Não se sabe revelar.
Sabe bem olhar pra ela,
Mas não lhe sabe falar.
Quem quer dizer o que sente
Não sabe o que há de dizer.
Fala: parece que mente…
Cala: parece esquecer…
Ah, mas se ela adivinhasse,
Se pudesse ouvir o olhar,
E se um olhar lhe bastasse
Pra saber que a estão a amar!
Mas quem sente muito, cala;
Quem quer dizer quanto sente
Fica sem alma nem fala,
Fica só, inteiramente!
Mas se isto puder contar-lhe
O que não lhe ouso contar,
Já não terei que falar-lhe
Porque lhe estou a falar…

Gelado de Morangos

  • 1 xícara (chá) de morangos picados (170 g)
  • ½ xícara (chá bem cheia) de açúcar
  • 1 clara
  • ½ colher (sopa) de suco de limão
  • 1 pote de iogurte natural (170 g)

Calda de Morangos

  • 2 xícaras (chá) de morangos picados
  • ½ xícara (chá) de açúcar
  • 2 colheres (chá) de amido de milho

modo de preparo

1 - Numa batedeira coloque 1 xícara (chá) de morangos picados, ½ xícara (chá bem cheia) de açúcar, 1 clara, ½ colher (sopa) de suco de limão e bata por 10 minutos. Desligue a batedeira, adicione 1 pote de iogurte natural e misture delicadamente.
2 - Coloque a mistura numa fôrma de bolo inglês (27 cm X 11 cm) forrada com plástico filme e leve ao freezer por 6 horas. Retire do freezer e sirva em seguida.

Calda de Morangos

1 - Numa panela coloque 2 xícaras (chá) de morangos picados, ½ xícara (chá) de açúcar e 2 colheres (chá) de amido de milho e leve ao fogo médio, mexendo sempre, até engrossar. Retire do fogo e deixe esfriar. Utilize em seguida.


Double Berry Puff Pancake


 Good Morning Dolls,
Want an easy, delicious and healthy breakfast?
Continue reading:

Ingredients Needed:

  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup Gold Medal All-Purpose Flour
  • 1/4 cup granulated white sugar
  • 1/2 tsp freshly grated lemon zest
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 cup halved raspberries
Start your day right!
  • Hope you enjoy
  • XO

 Check Out:

Jean Shorts For the Spring/Summer

Oh how we cant wait for sun kissed skin, blue skies, warm weather, beach and cold drink. But most of all spring and summer fashion.
Jean shorts will definitely be a must have since there are so many ways and new ideas of how you can dress it up!


 Hey Dolls,
They are a most this spring and summer!!! Be playful with the colors and show your personality through your fashion!
Bellow are a few ways in which you can dress a maxi skirt for different occasions and styles!
Hope you Enjoy,